Sunday, January 9, 2011

I'd say he'd make a good fireman. Could put out two fires at the same time.

After a short conversation about an employee in the men's room having an unusual method of using the urinals, I came to a conclusion that the man may have had a birth defect of a second opening in his penis,(common in a certain number of births). And so followed Roger's comment.

"I'd say he'd make a good fireman. Could put out two fires at the same time."

Work as Normal

I didn't see Roger much that day, but when I did, I only heard one comment. Referring to a female co-worker who'd been tirelessly working on a problem part.

When I asked Roger how things were going, he answered, "I watched Diane work a hot part.... it made me tired."

What Would Roger Do

Welcome to the start of a new Twitter / Blog created in the spirit of "Shit My Dad Says." Now that there is a TV show created in its image and Jason's post's have trailed off, a void has been created and needs to be filled.

For almost a year I enjoyed the sharp funny wit of Jason's father before I realized that I had been working with a younger and slightly more subtle version of Jason's father.

Roger is definitely a unique individual, who can take any conversation and place his own perspective comment on it that is always hilarious.

In this blog I will give some insight to what led up to each of his comments.

The first of his comments came when I told him what I was up to. He laughed and asked what kind of comments was I planning to use. I said anything that would give some perspective as to what was going on in his mind.

He laughed it off and said "Like What?"

I answered, "Well, lets say your ex-wife calls you and says she want to set you up with a girl friend of her's who is really nice."

His first response, "Oh, yeah? What does she look like? Cause I could get in a lot of trouble."

And so we go.

Visit Roger on